
Press Release
RepliCel’s Partnership Initiatives Mature into Licensing Negotiations
Due diligence and confidential discussions now moving into negotiations for products in both the tendon...
Press Release
RepliCel Showcases First Fully-Functional Prototypes of its Next-Generation Dermal Injector
Delivery of RepliCel’s patented prototypes kick-starts functional testing, matures licensing discussions, and confirms commercialization scheduleVANCOUVER,...
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Analyst Says Cell Therapy Company’s Move Decreases Risk
Click here to read the full article as it appears in the Streetwise Reports (08/23/17)....
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Your Hair Follicles May Hold the Key to Younger Looking Skin
Click here to read the full article as it appears in the New York Daily...
Press Release
RepliCel Life Sciences Joins MedCision’s ThawSTAR® Early Adopter Program
Regenerative Medicine Company to Adopt ThawSTAR® Cell Thawing Systems to De-Risk Cell Therapy Clinical TrialVANCOUVER,...
Press Release
Prominent Skin Aging Researcher Provides Insights into RepliCel’s Clinical Data
“We believe that this novel therapy has the potential to rejuvenate skin in a way...
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Skin in the Game
To read the full article as it appears on DDN News (08/08/17), click here. ...
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Why RepliCel May Be the Most Compelling Biotech Company to Watch in Canada
To read the brief and watch the interview provided by Market One Media Group as...
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RepliCel Poised To Partner Up For Precision-Control Dermal Injector
To preview the interview with Tina Tan as it appears on, click here. (6/23/17)
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Hair-Raising R&D: RepliCel Developing Autologous Cell Therapy for Baldness
To read the full article as it appears on, click here. (7/12/17) ...
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Poised for Success with Positive Clinical Results
To read the full interview as it appears on, click here (7/6/17).
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A New Approach to Treating Hair Loss
To read the full interview as it appears on, click here. (6/27/17)
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Your Hair Could Hold The Secret To Mending Your Injured Tendon
To read the full article as it appears on , click here (6/27/17)....
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The Latest in Biocellular Regeneration
To read the full article as it appears on by Lisette Hilton, click here...
Press Release
RepliCel Collaborates with University of British Columbia to Build World-Class Hair Follicle Cell Data Map
Data from this project expected to take RepliCel’s products to next level of potential commercial...
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Pioneer in Both Biotech & Business Left Noteworthy Legacy
To read the full article as it appears on by contributing editor, Lee Buckler,...
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Exclusive Interview with RepliCel Life Sciences President and CEO Lee Buckler
To read the full article as it appears on by Julie Lamb, click here....
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Promise of Regenerative Medicine Already Upon Us
To read the full article as it appears on by contributing editor, Lee Buckler,...
As Seen In
RepliCel Life Sciences gets price target raise at Echelon Wealth Partners
To read the full article as it appears on Cantech Letters by Nick Waddell, click...
Press Release
RepliCel CEO Provides Company Outlook
A data-rich 2017 positions RepliCel for maturity through the next phase of its product development,...

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