
- RepliCel's three cell therapy products have now been tested in over 100 patients in four countries on three continents.
- RepliCel now has key strategic partners in the United States, China, and Japan each of which are now investing heavily in the further clinical testing and development of RepliCel's products for their markets. Data from each of the clinical programs will strengthen the product development initiatives for RepliCel and its other partners worldwide.
For more information, please contact:
Lee Buckler, CEO and President
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
", "Weighting": 0, "DisableForSiteSearch": false, "CreatedByMemberId": "0", "ItemCategories": [ "News - Press Release", "Product - RCI-02" ], "ItemCategoryIdList": [ 2397, 2398 ], "ItemTags": [ "Hair", "RCI-02" ], "Author": 0, "Author_Name": "", "Author_Url": "", "Item_Rating": 0, "Image": "/Blog/2017/injecctor (clear housing).jpg", "ShowPageForSearchEngine": true, "MetaTitle": "", "SEOTitle": "", "MetaDescription": "", "CanonicalLink": "", "SocialMetaTags": "", "SeoPriority": 0.5, "EnableAMP": false, "AMPContent": "", "OpenGraphProperties": { "title": null, "type": null, "url": null, "locale": null, "image": null }, "ExternalId": 0, "Params": { "type": "module", "source": "Blog Post", "layout": "List", "displaypagination": "true", "filterby": "itemtags", "limit": "20", "filtervalue": "Hair", "sortby": "releasedate", "sortorder": "DESC", "collectionvariable": "posts" } }, { "Id": 2729, "Name": "RepliCel Launches the Next Stage of a Research Project with the University of British Columbia to Build World-Class Hair Follicle Cell Data Map", "Url": "/news/replicel-launches-the-next-stage-of-a-research-project-with-the-university-of-british-columbia-to-build-world-class-hair-follicle-cell-data-map", "Url_List": [ "/news/replicel-launches-the-next-stage-of-a-research-project-with-the-university-of-british-columbia-to-build-world-class-hair-follicle-cell-data-map" ], "UrlSlug": "replicel-launches-the-next-stage-of-a-research-project-with-the-university-of-british-columbia-to-build-world-class-hair-follicle-cell-data-map", "ParentId": 1929, "ParentId_List": [ 1929 ], "ParentName": "News", "ParentUrl": "/news", "TemplateName": "", "Module_Alias": "BlogPost", "Module_ID": 1534, "Enabled": true, "ReleaseDate": "2021-05-11T06:15:00", "ExpiryDate": "2099-12-12T09:00:00", "SiteSearchKeywords": [], "Description": "Early identification of unique cell markers is expected to have valuable impact on patents, clinical efficacy, and manufacturing optimization
VANCOUVER, BC – 11 May 2021 – RepliCel Life Sciences Inc. (OTCQB: REPCF) (TSXV: RP) (FRA:P6P2) (“RepliCel” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce it has now signed and launched a new collaborative research project agreement with the University of British Columbia (“UBC”) that enables the second stage of its cell marker research. The project is being co-led by RepliCel’s Dr. Kevin McElwee and UBC’s Professor Youwen Zhou.
The project commenced in 2017, is designed to deliver a gene and protein expression “map” of healthy hair follicle cells expected to be critically important to improving key components of the manufacturing, regulatory, and clinical profile of RepliCel’s cell therapy products.
The initial stage of the study examined multiple cell types from human hair follicles to identify differences, and similarities, in gene and protein expression with the goal of finding markers of interest that would allow potential optimization in target cell isolation from the initial patient tissue biopsy as well as post-manufacturing final product formulation and correlation of specific cellular sub-populations to clinical efficacy. New patents filed around the discoveries made during this collaboration will accrete value to RepliCel’s overall technology and product portfolio.
This second stage of the project specifically aims to confirm the presence and in situ localization of cells expressing unique markers selected from the initial project’s indicative data and establish robust selection technologies and protocols for the use of the markers in cell isolation and manufacturing of RepliCel’s proprietary tissue regenerative cell therapy products.
About Professor Youwen Zhou, M.D., Ph.D.
Dr. Youwen Zhou is a physician-scientist who is a Professor at UBC’s Department of Dermatology and Skin Science. He received his BS degree from Nankai University, China, a PhD in Molecular Genetics from the State University of New York, and an MD degree from the University of Toronto. After completing dermatology specialty training at UBC, he joined UBC Faculty of Medicine as a physician-scientist in dermatology in 2000, and was promoted to full professor in 2013. He founded the UBC Molecular Medicine Lab and Chieng Genomics Center at Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute (VCHRI) with infrastructure funding from the Canada Foundation for Innovation in 2001. Dr. Zhou's research is centered on biomarkers of skin diseases such as skin lymphoma, melanoma, and vitiligo, using a wide variety of methods and approaches, including genome-wide association studies (GWAS), linkage analysis, next generational sequencing, transcriptional profiling, cellular models, as well as genome editing.
Dr. Zhou has published more than 100 articles in journals such as Nature, Cell, Nature Genetics, and Blood, and holds multiple patents in skin lymphoma diagnostic biomarkers. In 2013, Dr. Zhou was awarded a Barney Usher Award for Outstanding Achievements in Dermatology Research from the Canadian Dermatology Association. Dr. Zhou specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of skin cancers and skin pigmentation disorders and is a consultant dermatologist at Vancouver General Hospital and British Columbia Cancer Agency. He teaches graduate students, medical students, dermatology residents, and postdoctoral fellows. Dr. Zhou is the past president of the Canadian Society of Investigative Dermatology and served as a board member for Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA). He is also a grant reviewer for CIHR, the Canadian Dermatology Foundation, and the Natural Sciences Foundation of China.
About Dr. Kevin McElwee, Ph.D.
Dr. McElwee, co-discoverer of the Company's technology and co-founder of RepliCel, is a former Professor of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Bradford’s Center for Skin Sciences. Previously, he was an Associate Professor in the Department of Dermatology and Skin Health at the University of British Columbia, and Director of the Hair Research Laboratory in the Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute at Vancouver General Hospital. His research has been funded by competitive grants awarded by multiple organizations including the Canadian Institutes for Health Research (the equivalent of the National Institutes for Health in the USA).
Dr. McElwee is one of only a small group of research scientists worldwide who studies hair biology and associated diseases. He has worked as a hair research scientist for 25 years and has published over 120 medical journal articles and academic book chapters on hair loss research. Dr. McElwee received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, and his PhD from the University of Dundee, Scotland. Postdoctoral training included three years at the Jackson Laboratory in Maine and four years at the University of Marburg, Germany, studying various hair loss diseases. Dr. McElwee continues to serve as the Company’s Chief Scientific Officer.
About RepliCel Life Sciences
RepliCel is a regenerative medicine company focused on developing cell therapies for aesthetic and orthopedic conditions affecting what the Company believes is approximately one in three people in industrialized nations, including aging/sun-damaged skin, pattern baldness, and chronic tendon degeneration. These conditions, often associated with aging, are caused by a deficit of healthy cells required for normal tissue healing and function. These cell therapy product candidates are based on RepliCel’s innovative technology, utilizing cell populations isolated from a patient’s healthy hair follicles.
The Company’s product pipeline is comprised of RCT-01 for tendon repair, RCS-01 for skin rejuvenation, and RCH-01 for hair restoration. RCH-01 is exclusively licensed in Asia to Shiseido Company. RepliCel maintains the rights to RCH-01 for the rest of the world. RCT-01 and RCS-01 are exclusively licensed in Greater China to YOFOTO (China) Health Company. RepliCel and YOFOTO are currently co-developing these products in China. RepliCel maintains the rights to these products outside of Greater China.
RepliCel has also developed a proprietary injection device, RCI-02, and related consumables, which is expected to improve the administration of its cell therapy products and certain other injectables. YOFOTO has exclusively licensed the commercial rights for the RCI-02 device and consumables in Greater China for dermatology applications and is expected to first launch the product in Hong Kong upon it being approved for market launch in either the United States or Europe.
Please visit for additional information.
Notable Facts:
• RepliCel's three cell therapy products have now been tested in over 100 patients in four countries on three continents having been successfully reviewed by three regulatory agencies.
• RepliCel now has key strategic partners in the United States, China, and Japan each of which is now investing heavily in the further clinical testing and development of RepliCel's products for their markets. Data from each of the clinical programs will strengthen the product development initiatives for RepliCel and its other partners worldwide.
For more information, please contact:
Lee Buckler, CEO and President
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VANCOUVER, BC – 23 March 2020 – RepliCel Life Sciences Inc (OTCQB: REPCF) (TSX.V: RP) (Frankfurt: P6P1), a clinical-stage regenerative medicine company developing cell therapy products in aesthetics and orthopedics, provided commentary today on the recent publication of a paper in the prestigious Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, entitled; “Autologous Cell-based Therapy for Male and Female Pattern Hair Loss using Dermal Sheath Cup Cells: A Randomized Placebo-Controlled Double-Blinded Dose Finding Clinical Study” (
\"We are very pleased that the data from this randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded, dose-ranging clinical study of 65 patients (male and female) with pattern hair loss confirms, with statistical significance, the observations from our ph 1 trial in a larger cohort of patients including females, a wide variety of ages and hair loss, and compared with a placebo-control. In summary, the study produced a statistically significant and clinically meaningful increase in hair density and diameter as measured nine months after treatment,” stated RepliCel’s Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Rolf Hoffman.
The study, conducted at Tokyo Medical University and Toho University, with product manufactured and supplied by Shiseido Company in accordance with its license from RepliCel Life Sciences, examined the safety and efficacy of autologous cell-based therapy using dermal sheath cup (DSC) cells to treat male pattern hair loss (MPHL) and female pattern hair loss (FPHL). The study tested a high, medium, low-dose and placebo injection, each in one of four one-centimetre patches located in an area of pattern hair loss on the scalp of each patient.
“As a dermatologist in practice for over 30 years and specializing specifically in hair loss, I have treated tens of thousands of patients with male and female pattern hair loss. As a researcher who has investigated several different technologies to both prevent hair loss and stimulate hair re-growth, I am highly encouraged by the data from this most recent Shiseido-funded study in Japan of the cell therapy technology licensed from RepliCel Life Sciences for treating male and female pattern hair loss (androgenetic alopecia),” said Dr. Jerry Shapiro, Professor and Director of Disorders of the Hair and Scalp at the Ronald O. Perelman Department of Dermatology at the Grossman New York University School of Medicine. “There have been very few clinical studies in hair loss using cell therapy over the past two decades which have been designed as meticulously as this randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled dose-finding study and none which have resulted in results with this kind of statistical significance,” Shapiro stated.
“When reviewing the data from this study it is important to note that most of the men involved in the study were at advanced stages of hair loss with 58% being at Norwood stages V and VI and 90% at stage IV and above. Similarly, 60% of the participating women were on the more advanced grade of hair loss. The best responders were in an older population (51 years of age or older) with moderate severity. We know that any technology works better in a less severe pattern of hair loss and that is once again what we see in this study,” continued Shapiro who was a founding shareholder of RepliCel but was not involved in this clinical study. “The best responders were those at stage Norwood III/IV rather than V/VI and the best responders saw a range of 5-13 more hairs per square centimeter at nine-months after treatment. This is a statistically significant result produced from a one-time injection of an experimental treatment that may yet be improved upon in any number of ways including being easily delivered in a series of injections, which I would expect to further increase hair re-growth outcomes. This is an exciting development in the field of hair-loss research.”
In the study, fifty males and fifteen females, aged 33 to 64, were injected. Total hair density and cumulative hair diameter at the low-dose injection site was significantly increased compared with the placebo after 6 and 9 months. Men and women showed similar improvements and there were no serious adverse events.
The autologous cell-based therapy of dermal sheath cup cells used in this study is the product RepliCel refers to as RCH-01 for which Shiseido has licensed the co-development and commercial rights in Asia. RepliCel maintains the complete and unrestricted rights to this product outside of Asia.
“This was a well-designed study following the highest clinical standards with an intent to gather data which correlates outcomes with dose involving a cross-section of anticipated patient types as defined by age, hair loss, and gender. The data from this study adds considerably to our body of knowledge from lab research, animal studies, product development, and the phase 1 trial of 19 patients completed in 2017,” stated RepliCel’s Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Kevin McElwee. “The efficacy data observed in this trial, together with animal research data, suggests that long-term survival of injected cells improves both with smaller dose size and with several sessions of injections spaced-out over a set time course. RepliCel expects the survival of injected cells to be correlative with increased hair density and diameter.”
RepliCel’s specific commentary on several aspects of the study, publication, and data appear below:
The lowest-dose tested in the study showed the best results with a substantial increase in hair density and diameter lasting nine months after treatment. The one-time, low-dose injection resulted in a statistical significant increase in total hair density and cumulative hair diameter compared with placebo. This result represents a clinically meaningful result but one which RepliCel also intends to enhance through planned product and delivery improvements. Efficacy was not expressed in terms of percentage increase by the study authors and RepliCel has not yet had opportunity to provide such analysis based on a review of the data.
One-time Injection vs Series of Injections
The study results are consistent with RepliCel’s phase 1 study of the product which was restricted to only testing a one-time injection of a high dose of cells and saw results peak between 6 and 12 months post-treatment. RepliCel believes that a series of injections has the potential to significantly improve the treatment’s cumulatively impact. In a recent press release issued by Tokyo Medical University, Toho University, and Shiseido Co., Ltd, they also stated a commitment to a future clinical study testing a series of injections with the expectation that this may increase hair density and diameter and/or lengthen the duration of the treatment’s outcome.
The study results correlating the greatest efficacy with the lowest tested dose is consistent with other cell therapy studies which have shown there is a dose-related efficacy ceiling with many cell therapies. This is also consistent with RepliCel’s study of its other cell-based therapy (RCS-01) for skin rejuvenation which was published the journal, Skin Pharmacology and Physiology entitled; “Autologous Cell Therapy for Aged Human Skin: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Phase-I Study” ( Similarly, clinicians have also noted decreased efficacy of platelet rich plasma (PRP) injections when doses exceed certain thresholds.
In a subsequent study, it will make sense to test even lower doses, particularly when combined with injecting the product in a series of injections over several months in a highly controlled manner.
It is worth noting that this study utilized a rudimentary single-needle, manually-driven injection system which is slow and subject to user-based inconsistency. While the lowest cell dose tested in this study resulted in the best outcome, RepliCel believes even lower doses, when injected using a highly consistent delivery system, may be important to maximizing results. Indeed, RepliCel is of the view that this kind of micro-dosing, enabled by an automated injector such as RepliCel’s RCI-01 with multi-needle head capacity, may be the best way to maximize the results of this cell-based therapy. For this reason, RepliCel is committed to future clinical testing using its proprietary dermal injector and related consumables for the delivery of its cell-based therapies for hair re-growth and skin rejuvenation.
This study represents the first time this product, comprised of dermal sheath cup cells, was used clinically after being cryopreserved. In the phase I study, RepliCel shipped product under cool controlled-temperature conditions but not cryopreserved. Following the phase 1 trial, RepliCel conducted several studies at the University of British Columbia and its European-based contract manufacturer which demonstrated the stability and viability of thawed cells after control-rate freezing and cryopreserved storage.
The ability to store product long-term for future use and ship it over long-distances in highly-controlled formats provides distinct advantages to the products’ commercial margins and model. This technology and data was part of RepliCel’s technology transfer to Shiseido’s manufacturing facility and personnel. This study represents the first clinical confirmation of the product’s efficacy after cryopreservation.
RepliCel conducted a first-in-human phase 1 clinical trial of RCH-01 starting in late 2011 which completed in 2017. After the announcement of preliminary clinical data in 2013, Shiseido Company, licensed the commercial rights to RCH-01 for Asia while RepliCel maintained the commercial rights for the rest of the world. The agreement involved Shiseido paying an upfront licensing fee, post-commercial milestone payments, sales royalties, and costs (in Asia) for all clinical testing, regulatory approvals, manufacturing, sales and marketing, distribution, etc. The two companies agreed to collaborate on the product’s further development and clinical testing and share data while doing so until the product was fully commercialized. Shiseido's obligations as a licensee to pay sales royalties would last for 10 years after the launch of the product in any country within Asia.
Upon execution of the agreement, RepliCel worked extensively on the technology transfer of all aspects of RCH-01 production and quality control to Shiseido, assisted with the necessary regulatory approvals for the product’s manufacturing and clinical testing, trained all physicians involved at the clinical sites, and critically supported Shiseido’s facility design, build, validation, and personnel training. The clinical study described in the medical journal publication was launched in 2016 in Japan using product manufactured by Shiseido pursuant to the license and co-development agreement in place with RepliCel.
Since the completion of this phase I study, RepliCel has continued to invest in gene marker studies as well as manufacturing and other product optimizations which are all expected to result in increased efficacy and cheaper manufacturing. Additionally, RepliCel has continued to invest in bringing its highly automated dermal injector to market which the company believes will be important to optimizing the product's clinical efficacy and commercial advantages.
RepliCel’s phase 1 trial, was designed to gather data related to the product's safety and potential efficacy through 24 months post-injection but was not designed for statistical significance related to any efficacy endpoints. The efficacy data collected from all 19 patients, while not statistically significant, provided useful and potentially exciting insights into the product's potential for the treatment of those with androgenetic alopecia. The phase I trial involved the injection of a very high dose of dermal sheath cup cells in order to identify any potential toxicity in accordance with the primary safety objectives of the trial.
Neither the phase 1 trial nor the recent study produced any significant adverse events. Both resulted in a wide range of clinical responses including a subset of patients with sustained double-digit increases in hair density and diameter.
The results from the Japanese study recently published supports RepliCel's hypotheses about the product and confirms the phase 1 observations in a larger cohort of patients, in a placebo-controlled study, and in both male and female patients.
About RCH-01
The product, referred to as RCH-01, was RepliCel’s first product developed and taken to clinical trial. It is a cell therapy product manufactured from the patient’s own dermal sheath cup cells isolated from a biopsy taken from back of the scalp. The dermal sheath cup cells are ultimately responsible for hair fiber growth and these cells in hair follicles at the back of the scalp are resistant to attack by androgen hormones. Androgen hormone activity causes pattern hair loss by promoting the disappearance of cells from hair follicles on the top of the head in patients afflicted with the condition. Data has indicated that, by growing dermal sheath cup cells taken from hair follicles at the back of the scalp and injecting them into areas of the scalp affected by hair loss, the injected cells enable hair growth and regeneration.
About RepliCel Life Sciences
RepliCel is a regenerative medicine company focused on developing cell therapies for aesthetic and orthopedic conditions affecting what the Company believes is approximately one in three people in industrialized nations, including aging/sun-damaged skin, pattern baldness, and chronic tendon degeneration. These conditions, often associated with aging, are caused by a deficit of healthy cells required for normal tissue healing and function. These cell therapy product candidates are based on RepliCel’s innovative technology, utilizing cell populations isolated from a patient’s healthy hair follicles.
The Company’s product pipeline is comprised of RCT-01 for tendon repair, RCS-01 for skin rejuvenation, and RCH-01 for hair restoration. RCH-01 is exclusively licensed in Asia to Shiseido Company. RepliCel and Shiseido agreed to co-develop the product in Japan. RepliCel maintains the rights to RCH-01 for the rest of the world. RCT-01 and RCS-01 are exclusively licensed in Greater China to YOFOTO (China) Health Company. RepliCel and YOFOTO are currently co-developing these products in China. RepliCel maintains the rights to these products outside of Greater China.
RepliCel has also developed a proprietary injection device, RCI-02, and related consumables, which is expected to improve the administration of its cell therapy products and certain other injectables. YOFOTO has exclusively licensed the commercial rights for the RCI-02 device and consumables in Greater China for dermatology applications and is expected to first launch the product in Hong Kong upon it being CE marked. Please visit for additional information.
For more information, please contact:
Telephone: 604-248-8693 /
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
This press release contains forward-looking statements and information that involve various risks and uncertainties regarding future events, including, but not limited to, statements regarding:
These statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks which may cause actual results and the Company’s plans and objectives to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including: risks that the Company’s products may not perform as, or have the benefits, expected; risks that the Company’s products may not be accepted and adopted by the public; the risk that the Company will not obtain regulatory marketing approval for its injector device as anticipated or at all; the risk that there will be delays enrolling clinical trial participants or commencing any clinical or research programs as anticipated or at all; the risk that the Company will receive negative results from the Company’s clinical trials; risks associated with the Company obtaining all necessary regulatory approvals for its various programs; risks associated with the Company’s ability to obtain and protect rights to its intellectual property; risks and uncertainties associated with the Company’s ability to raise additional capital; and other factors beyond the Company’s control. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot guarantee future results, levels of activity or performance. Further, any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which such statement is made and, except as required by applicable law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for management to predict all of such factors and to assess in advance the impact of such factors on the Company’s business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. Readers should consult all of the information set forth herein and should also refer to the risk factor disclosure outlined in the Company’s annual report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018 and other periodic reports filed from time-to-time with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Edgar at and with the British Columbia Securities Commission on SEDAR at
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Another cell therapy rising star, RepliCel Life Sciences, is harnessing the healing properties of hair follicles to address unmet medical needs in acute, chronic and genetic conditions. RepliCel’s product pipeline features a diverse portfolio spanning tendinopathies, pattern baldness, skin damage, and dermal injector medical devices.
Click here to read the full article and interview as it appears in The New Yorker (06/07/18).
", "Weighting": 0, "DisableForSiteSearch": false, "CreatedByMemberId": "0", "ItemCategories": [ "News - As Seen In" ], "ItemCategoryIdList": [ 2395 ], "ItemTags": [ "Hair", "Media" ], "Author": 0, "Author_Name": "", "Author_Url": "", "Item_Rating": 0, "Image": "/Blog/2018/new-yorker-logo.jpg", "ShowPageForSearchEngine": true, "MetaTitle": "", "SEOTitle": "", "MetaDescription": "", "CanonicalLink": "", "SocialMetaTags": "", "SeoPriority": 0.0, "EnableAMP": false, "AMPContent": "", "OpenGraphProperties": { "title": null, "type": null, "url": null, "locale": null, "image": null }, "ExternalId": 1023745, "Params": { "type": "module", "source": "Blog Post", "layout": "List", "displaypagination": "true", "filterby": "itemtags", "limit": "20", "filtervalue": "Hair", "sortby": "releasedate", "sortorder": "DESC", "collectionvariable": "posts" } }, { "Id": 1957, "Name": "Company Uses Patients' Own Cells to Put an End to Baldness, Aging Skin and Tendon Degeneration", "Url": "/news/company-uses-patients-own-cells-to-put-an-end-to-baldness-aging-skin-and-tendon-degeneration", "Url_List": [ "/news/company-uses-patients-own-cells-to-put-an-end-to-baldness-aging-skin-and-tendon-degeneration" ], "UrlSlug": "company-uses-patients-own-cells-to-put-an-end-to-baldness-aging-skin-and-tendon-degeneration", "ParentId": 1929, "ParentId_List": [ 1929 ], "ParentName": "News", "ParentUrl": "/news", "TemplateName": "News Template", "Module_Alias": "BlogPost", "Module_ID": 1534, "Enabled": true, "ReleaseDate": "2017-09-28T17:00:00", "ExpiryDate": "2099-12-11T17:00:00", "SiteSearchKeywords": [], "Description": "Company Uses Patients' Own Cells To Put An End To Baldness, Aging Skin And Tendon Degeneration
By Robin Seaton Jefferson
Forbes Magazine. September 29, 2017.
Hollywood has made movies about it. Industries have made billions from it. And if the volume of scripture is any indication, the Almighty God must have placed great value on his creation of the head of human hair. After all, He gave Samson—the strongest man of whom the Bible tells—his immense strength through his hair and declared a woman’s hair \"a glory unto\" her in the 11th chapter of 1 Chorinthians.
Is it any wonder men and women obsess over their hair? And though we may get wiser as we age (a good thing), most of us don’t get hairier—at least not in the places we want to (not a good thing).
But there is a Canadian company who has been working diligently to change that.
To read the full article, please go to the Forbes Magazine article.
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VANCOUVER, BC – June 13, 2017 – RepliCel Life Sciences Inc. (OTCQB: REPCF) (TSXV: RP) (FRA:P6P2) (“RepliCel” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce it has signed a collaborative research project agreement with the University of British Columbia (“UBC”). The project will be co-lead by the UBC’s Dr. Kevin McElwee and Professor Youwen Zhou.
The project is designed to deliver a gene and protein expression “map” of healthy hair follicle cells expected to be critically important to improving key components of the manufacturing, regulatory, and clinical profile of RepliCel’s cell therapy products.
“We are very excited to be working with UBC on a project we’ve spent considerable time designing to mature our understanding of the cell populations we work with to improve our product manufacturing, clinical outcomes, and assays critical to regulatory approval and commercialization,” stated RepliCel President and CEO, R. Lee Buckler.
This study will examine different cell groups from human hair follicles and look for differences, and similarities, in gene and protein expression. Additionally, the project will analyze array data from select subjects who participated in RepliCel’s phase I/IIa clinical trial of its RCH-01 product in development for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia which completed earlier this year. This includes data from patients who had the best clinical hair growth response at six months and a sustained positive response at 24 months.
In the study with UBC, the gene expression profiles of the cultured cells from these clinical trial subjects who had a strong hair growth response will be compared to the gene expression profile of subjects who had a reduced hair growth response. The analysis is anticipated to allow RepliCel to better identify specific genes with high or low expression in the cultured cells that correspond to strong hair growth promotion.
About Professor Youwen Zhou, M.D., Ph.D.
Dr. Youwen Zhou is a physician scientist who is a Professor at UBC’s Department of Dermatology and Skin Science. He received his BS degree from Nankai University, China, a PhD in Molecular Genetics from the State University of New York, and an MD degree from the University of Toronto. After completing dermatology specialty training at UBC, he joined UBC Faculty of Medicine as a physician scientist in dermatology in 2000, and was promoted to full professor in 2013. He founded the UBC Molecular Medicine Lab and Chieng Genomics Center at Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute (VCHRI) with infrastructure funding from Canada Foundation for Innovation in 2001. Dr Zhou’s research is centered on biomarkers of skin diseases such as skin lymphoma, melanoma, and vitiligo, using a wide variety of methods and approaches, including genome-wide association studies (GWAS), linkage analysis, next generational sequencing, transcriptional profiling, cellular and animal models, as well as genome editing.
Dr Zhou has published more than 100 articles in journals such as Nature, Cell, Nature Genetics, and Blood, and holds multiple patents in skin lymphoma diagnostic biomarkers. In 2013, Dr Zhou was awarded a Barney Usher Award for Outstanding Achievements in Dermatology Research from the Canadian Dermatology Association. Dr Zhou specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of skin cancers and skin pigmentation disorders, and is a consultant dermatologist at Vancouver General Hospital and British Columbia Cancer Agency. He teaches graduate students, medical students, dermatology residents and postdoctoral fellows. Dr Zhou is the past president of the Canadian Society of Investigative Dermatology, and served as a board member for Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA). He is also a grant reviewer for CIHR, the Canadian Dermatology Foundation, and the Natural Sciences Foundation of China.
About Dr. Kevin McElwee, Ph.D.
Dr. Kevin McElwee is an Associate Professor at the UBC’s Department of Dermatology and Skin Sciences and Director of the Hair Research Laboratory at VCHRI. His research is funded by competitive grants awarded by multiple organizations including the Canadian Institutes for Health Research. Dr. McElwee is one of only a small group of research scientists worldwide who studies hair biology and associated diseases. He has worked as a hair research scientist for 19 years and has published over 100 medical journal articles, as well as research abstracts and academic book chapters on hair loss research. Dr. McElwee received his Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Aberdeen, Scotland and his PhD from the University of Dundee, Scotland. Postdoctoral training included three years at the Jackson Laboratory in Maine and four years at the University of Marburg, Germany, studying hair loss diseases and hair biology. Dr. McElwee is a co-discoverer and patent holder of RepliCel’s technology and continues to serve as the Company’s Chief Scientific Officer.
About RepliCel Life Sciences
RepliCel is a regenerative medicine company focused on developing autologous cell therapies that address conditions caused by a deficit of healthy cells required for normal tissue healing and function. The Company’s product pipeline is comprised of three clinical-stage products: RCT-01 for tendon repair, RCS-01 for skin rejuvenation and RCH-01 for hair restoration. RCH-01 is under exclusive license by Shiseido Company for certain Asian countries. All product candidates are based on RepliCel’s innovative technology, utilizing cell populations isolated from a patient’s healthy hair follicles.
RepliCel is also developing a proprietary injection device (RCI-02) optimized for the administration of its products and licensable for use with other dermatology applications. Please visit for additional information.
For more information, please contact:
Lee Buckler, CEO and President
Forward-looking information
Certain statements in this news release are forward-looking statements, which reflect the expectations of management regarding the results of the UBC project outlined in this release. Forward-looking statements consist of statements that are not purely historical, including any statements regarding beliefs, plans, expectations or intentions regarding the future. Forward looking statements in this news release include: statements relating to the statements that (i) data from this project is expected to take RepliCel’s products to next level of potential commercial viability; (ii) the gene and protein expression map will improve key components of the manufacturing, regulatory, and clinical profile of RepliCel’s cell therapy products; and (iii) the results will improve our product manufacturing, clinical outcomes, and assays critical to regulatory approval and commercialization. These statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks which may cause actual results and the Company’s plans and objectives to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including: the risk that there will be delays enrolling clinical trial participants; the risk that the Company will receive negative results from the Company’s clinical trials; the effects of government regulation on the Company’s business; risks associated with future approvals for clinical trials; risks associated with the Company obtaining approval for its clinical trial in Germany; risks associated with the Company obtaining all necessary regulatory approvals for its various programs in Canada, the USA and Germany; risks associated with the Company’s ability to obtain and protect rights to its intellectual property; risks and uncertainties in connection with the outstanding issues alleged by Shiseido in connection with the License and Co-development Agreement; risks and uncertainties associated with the Company’s ability to raise additional capital; and other factors beyond the Company’s control. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot guarantee future results, levels of activity or performance. Further, any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which such statement is made and, except as required by applicable law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for management to predict all of such factors and to assess in advance the impact of such factors on the Company’s business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. Readers should consult all of the information set forth herein and should also refer to the risk factor disclosure outlined in the Company’s annual report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2016 and other periodic reports filed from time-to-time with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Edgar at and with the British Columbia Securities Commission on SEDAR at
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
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VANCOUVER, BC – March 14, 2017 – RepliCel Life Sciences Inc. (OTCQB:REPCF) (TSXV:RP) (FRA:P6P2) (“RepliCel” or the “Company”), a clinical stage regenerative medicine company developing unique biologic products for pattern baldness and thinning hair, aging and sun-damaged skin, and chronic tendon degeneration, today announced the successful completion of its first-in-human clinical study of the Company’s autologous cell therapy for the treatment of androgenetic alopecia (pattern baldness).
The Company reports the trial succesfully met its endpoints and sets the stage for next steps in the ongoing research and development of its product, RCH-01, for the treatment of male and female androgenetic alopecia. “As we march toward commercialization of this product based on this first-in-human data, our aim is to revolutionize the way we prevent, treat, and even reverse hair loss,” stated RepliCel President and CEO, R. Lee Buckler.
The five-year trial data set has confirmed the complete safety profile of a high-dose of dermal sheath cup cells (DSCC) for patients with pattern baldness due to androgenetic alopecia.
These DSCC form the basis for the Company’s RCH-01 product. The long-term safety of DSCC injections was demonstrated through multiple physician, patient and independent measures of local and systemic tolerance including evaluation of adverse events with respect to causality, incidence, severity and seriousness. No serious adverse events were reported over the entire 60.5-month follow-up period of the trial. Local injection tolerance was confirmed with only a few minor scalp irritations reported around injection sites that resolved quickly soon after injection. Furthermore, histopathological evaluation of injection site biopsies taken six, 12, and 24 months after injection did not reveal any pathology that was suggestive of tumour, granuloma or foreign body formation. An analysis of injection site biopsies taken 60.5 months after injection is currently ongoing with results expected in the next few weeks. Long-term systemic safety of RCH-01 was also confirmed as none of the systemic adverse events reported during the extended safety evaluation were related to treatment.
Indications of Potential Efficacy
The trial was designed to gather data related to the product’s potential efficacy through 24 months post-injection, but was not designed for statistical significance related to any efficacy endpoints. The efficacy data collected from all 19 patients, while not statistically significant, provides useful and potentially exciting insights into the product’s potential for the treatment of those with androgenetic alopecia.
“We have a much greater understanding and opportunity for further insights from the hair density responses recorded in this first-in-human trial,” stated RepliCel President and CEO, R. Lee Buckler. “This data will feedback into our R&D programs and help us develop the best possible product and treatment protocol for men and women suffering from androgenetic alopecia.”
The seven top-tier responders in the trial saw >10% increase in hair density at six months post-injection (see May 17, 2012 announcement). At 24 months, the average hair density increase for these same seven participants was 8.3% over baseline, and three of these seven trial participants maintained a >10% increase in density over baseline. The largest increase in hair density over baseline observed in this group was a 21% increase at 24 months.
The top 10 participants reported at least a 5% or greater increase in hair density at six months post-injection with an average increase of 11.8% (as reported in the May 17, 2012 announcement). This group demonstrated a sustained response at 24 months which averaged a 4.2% increase over baseline hair density. While there was a high degree of variability in hair density between individual participants at 24 months post-injection compared to baseline, an overall stabilization of hair loss was observed among all the patients treated per protocol.
Management Commentary
“The purpose of collecting efficacy data in these early-stage trials,” stated RepliCel’s Clinical Consultant, Darrell Panich, “is for our clinical team and management to obtain data that can be used to inform basic decisions about further development, provide provocative insights into the product’s potential, and – perhaps most importantly – provide useful feedback which we can use to drive decisions about process and product development, ongoing research, and future clinical trial parameters.”
“We are very pleased with the unquestionable safety profile of RCH-01,” stated RepliCel’s co-founder and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Rolf Hoffmann. “Five-year safety follow-up is rare for cell therapy products and demonstrates our commitment to the highest quality of clinical research. Furthermore, the efficacy signals we see validate the research and development strategy we have had in place since we saw the six-month post-injection data in 2012.”
Hoffmann continued: “Over the past 36 months, we have invested a great deal in both basic research and manufacturing optimization which we believe will be critical to minimizing batch-to-batch variability and further improving efficacy. We have invested in process and product development initiatives including a modified tissue culture technique, improved culture media with addition of 12 new ingredients, introduction of a cell activity promoting step, and cryopreservation storage to improve cell stability and viability. We believe these programs have already resulted in a significantly more robust and better-defined product than the one used in this trial by many measures and look forward to translating our continued R&D into next-phase clinical trials in due course.”
“This trial involved the injection of a very high dose of DSCC in order to identify any potential toxicity ceiling in accordance with the primary safety objectives of the trial. The efficacy data we saw in this trial, together with recent animal research data, suggests that long-term survival of injected cells improves both with smaller dose size and with several sessions of injections spaced-out over a set time course to cumulatively increase injected cell numbers,” stated RepliCel’s co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer, Dr. Kevin McElwee. “We expect cell number and long-term cell survival to be correlative with hair density efficacy. Next-phase trials will be designed to test repeated injection sessions with smaller cell doses than were used in this study.”
“Furthermore,” continued McElwee, “with this 24-month post-injection data, and the availability of patient biopsy material and DSCC, we are now able to commence gene expression analysis with a goal of identifying the differences between products which result in superior responses and those that produce less-than-optimal responses. Ultimately, the goal here is to correlate and optimize cell dose and use repeat treatment sessions to achieve peak efficacy in terms of increased hair density.”
“In summary,” stated RepliCel’s President and CEO, R. Lee Buckler, “we are very pleased with the results of this first-in-human study and are excited to move this product forward into the next phases of development.”
Buckler concluded: “The analysis of data collected from this study, and the direction it gives our research and development programs, will support further optimization of the RCH-01 treatment to be evaluated in future phase II clinical trials. This data, combined with results expected next year from the Shiseido-funded study ongoing in Japan, will support future negotiations with regulators and licensees as we march toward RCH-01 commercialization. Additionally, we are confident that using RepliCel’s RCI-02 injection device (currently under development) in future trials will better control the dose, distribution, and depth of injections to the scalp of study participants. We expect this to further positively impact the product’s efficacy and the uniformity of response.”
About the RCH-01 Clinical Trial (2011 – 2017)
The TS001-2009 first-in-human clinical trial was designed to test the safety and efficacy of dermal sheath cup cells (DSCC are the basis for the Company’s current RCH-01 product) in men and women with androgenetic alopecia. The primary protocol objective of the study was to assess the local (at treatment sites) safety profile of injections. Secondary protocol objectives were to assess systemic (whole-body) safety and local efficacy (hair growth at treatment sites). A total of 19 subjects (10 male and nine female) were recruited for the trial and all of them completed 24-month post injection follow-up visits. Seventeen of those patients went on to complete a full five years of extended safety evaluations to provide information on the long-term safety of DSCC injections. For further details about the trial design, endpoints, etc see
About RepliCel Life Sciences
RepliCel is a regenerative medicine company focused on developing autologous cell therapies that address conditions caused by a deficit of healthy cells required for normal tissue healing and function. The Company’s product pipeline is comprised of two recently completed clinical trials (RCT-01 for tendon repair and RCS-01 for skin rejuvenation), as well as, its RCH-01 hair restoration product under exclusive license by Shiseido Company for certain Asian countries. All product candidates are based on RepliCel’s innovative technology, utilizing cell populations isolated from a patient’s healthy hair follicles. RepliCel has also developed a proprietary injection device (RCI-02) optimized for the administration of its products and licensable for use with other dermatology applications. Please visit for additional information.
For more information, please contact:
Lee Buckler, CEO and President
Telephone: 604-248-8693 /
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements and information that involve various risks and uncertainties regarding future events, including, but not limited to, statements regarding: (i) that the RCH-01 product will move towards or be commercialized; (ii) that the RCH-01 product will revolutionize the way that hair loss is prevented, treated, and reversed; (iii) that clinical data from a study being conducted in Japan, financed by Shiseido, is expected in 2018; (iv) the Company’s RCI-02 injection device (currently under development) will better control the dose, distribution, and depth of injections to the scalp of study participants and this will positively impact RCH-01’s efficacy and the uniformity of response.
These statements are only predictions and involve known and unknown risks which may cause actual results and the Company’s plans and objectives to differ materially from those expressed in the forward-looking statements, including: the risk that the Company will not obtain CE mark clearance or other necessary regulatory approvals for its injection device; the risk that there will be delays enrolling clinical trial participants; the risk that the Company will receive negative results from the Company’s clinical trials; the effects of government regulation on the Company’s business; risks associated with Shiseido obtaining approval for its clinical trial; risks associated with the Company obtaining all necessary regulatory approvals for its various programs in Canada, the USA and Germany; risks associated with the Company’s ability to obtain and protect rights to its intellectual property; risks and uncertainties in connection with the outstanding issues alleged by Shiseido in connection with the License and Co-development Agreement; risks and uncertainties associated with the Company’s ability to raise additional capital; and other factors beyond the Company’s control. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot guarantee future results, levels of activity or performance. Further, any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which such statement is made and, except as required by applicable law, the Company undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which such statement is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for management to predict all of such factors and to assess in advance the impact of such factors on the Company’s business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement. Readers should consult all of the information set forth herein and should also refer to the risk factor disclosure outlined in the Company’s annual report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2015 and other periodic reports filed from time-to-time with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Edgar at and with the British Columbia Securities Commission on SEDAR at
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
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The information in these press releases is historical in nature, has not been updated, and is current only to the date indicated in the particular press release. This information may no longer be accurate and therefore you should not rely on the information contained in these press releases. To the extent permitted by law, RepliCel Life Sciences Inc. and its employees, agents and consultants exclude all liability for any loss or damage arising from the use of, or reliance on, any such information, whether or not caused by any negligent act or omission.
Please note that any opinion, estimates or forecasts made by the authors of these statements are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of RepliCel Life Sciences Inc. or its management. RepliCel Life Sciences Inc. does not, by its reference or distribution of these links imply its endorsement of, or concurrence with, such information, conclusions or recommendations.