Press Release
Japan’s Patent Office Issues RepliCel Two New Patents for its Regenerative Medicine Technologies

Timely patent-grants support next steps in RepliCel’s First-in-Japan strategy
VANCOUVER, BC, CANADA – 10 March 2020 – RepliCel Life Sciences Inc. (OTCQB: REPCF) (TSXV: RP) (FRA:P6P2) (“RepliCel” or the “Company”), a company developing next-generation regenerative medicine technologies in aesthetics and orthopedics, is pleased to announce it has recently received notifications of two key patents issued by the Japan Patent Office.
The two patents issued relate to RepliCel’s NBDS technology for rejuvenation of aging and sun-damaged skin (JPO:6594301 (PCT/US2014/043048)) and repair of chronically damaged tendons (JPO:6581908; (PCT/US2O14/016109)).
The granting of these two patents for significant clinical applications is instrumental in supporting RepliCel’s First-in-Japan strategy announced March 2019 ( RepliCel is actively engaged with Japanese investors, regulators, clinicians, as well as potential industry partners and collaborators in building a near-term development and commercial strategy for its entire, unlicensed portfolio in Japan. This includes the tendon regeneration and skin rejuvenation technologies which were the subject of recent Japanese patent grants as well as the company’s dermal injection technology for which a Japanese patent was granted in recent months.
The Company’s NBDS technology is currently midway through review by the Japanese PMDA (Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency) intended to result in approval to proceed with pivotal clinical studies in Japan in tandem with Japanese strategic partners now being pursued.
Both Japanese issued patents pertain to compositions and methods for the Company’s proprietary non-bulbar dermal sheath cell (NBDS) technology. This technology has been the subject of successful initial clinical evaluations for the treatment of chronic Achilles tendinopathy and sun-damaged/aging skin both of which are associated with a loss of collagen-related tissue structures.
This same NBDS technology is the subject of a collaboration in Greater China with strategic licensing, co-development and commercialization partner, YOFOTO (China) Health Co.
RepliCel’s hair regrowth technology was licensed in 2013 to Shiseido Company in Asia. This resulted in the 2016 launch of a clinical study of the product in Japan for androgenic alopecia which has recently successfully completed.
About RepliCel Life Sciences
RepliCel is a regenerative medicine company focused on developing cell therapies for aesthetic and orthopedic conditions affecting what the Company believes is approximately one in three people in industrialized nations, including aging/sun-damaged skin, pattern baldness, and chronic tendon degeneration. These conditions, often associated with aging, are caused by a deficit of healthy cells required for normal tissue healing and function. These cell therapy product candidates are based on RepliCel’s innovative technology, utilizing cell populations isolated from a patient’s healthy hair follicles.
The Company’s product pipeline is comprised of RCT-01 for tendon repair, RCS-01 for skin rejuvenation, and RCH-01 for hair restoration. RCH-01 is exclusively licensed in Asia to Shiseido Company. RepliCel and Shiseido are currently co-developing the product in Japan. RepliCel maintains the rights to RCH-01 for the rest of the world. RCT-01 and RCS-01 are exclusively licensed in Greater China to YOFOTO (China) Health Company. RepliCel and YOFOTO are currently co-developing these products in China. RepliCel maintains the rights to these products outside of Greater China.
RepliCel has also developed a proprietary injection device, RCI-02, and related consumables, which is expected to improve the administration of its cell therapy products and certain other injectables. YOFOTO has exclusively licensed the commercial rights for the RCI-02 device and consumables in Greater China for dermatology applications and is expected to first launch the product in Hong Kong upon it being CE marked. Please visit for additional information.
For more information, please contact:
Lee Buckler, CEO and President
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